Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Red letter day
Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me for the past month. God is good. Four days after my interview at JDC in Anaheim, I got a call from James Durbin, the owner, asking me when I can start! A week from today, I'll be showing up to my awesome "huge foot-in-the-door" job, with benefits (paid time off, 401k, medical, dental, the works). We'll see where it goes from here! As of now, they are promising me a minimum of 25 hours a week, but considering my wages, I won't be making any less than I would have been if I kept working in Modesto. What's even better is I get to sleep in my room that I haven't slept in but kept paying rent for! Hehe.
Starbucks should be calling me any day now. I had an interview this last Saturday which went really well. I'm fairly certain I got that job as well - especially since they're opening a new store in the area. So, here we go again. It's all coming together rather quickly now. I'm starting to feel like my old self again, which is refreshing to say the least. Job hunting is the suck. Paying rent for your apartment while you work and sleep in another city doubly so.
I've got a week to get myself back in SoCal. Hopefully the place doesn't burn down before I show up. ;)
Posted by Chris Wright at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Fighting Entropy
Entropy is an interesting thing. "Things tend to break down. Order begets chaos." If everything starts at order and degrades into chaos, then how do you explain cotton candy? Sugar, spinning around in a huge vat, getting blown around like sand in a hurricane, somehow finds its way to the end of a stick, where it gathers itself into a sweet pink ball of serendipity. Take that, Einstein.
Posted by Chris Wright at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Just a sentence
So I thought to myself this afternoon, "How cool would it be to write a blog made of one rediculous run-on sentence," so I decided to give it a try, then unaware of how remarkably difficult it would prove itself to be, now wondering why such a useless idea would even enter my mind in the first place, I sit here at the computer wondering what I'll write about next, whether I choose to write about my interview at JCD (James Durbin Communications), which is a radio production outfit dealing mostly with internet and over-the-air radio, but is also delving more and more into television, or I could talk about how I'm in Los Angeles right now (for the many of you who still thought I was in Modesto - I'm only here for the weekend), but there's still much more to be done, such as my interview at Starbucks tomorrow, which, (hopefully) along with my *crosses fingers* future employment at JDC, will level out my expenses, so hopefully both gigs are bagged and I'll be well on my way to being a happy (steadily employed) camper once again who will enjoy his time at Disneyland on Sunday and be making the trek back up to Modesto that evening while drafting behind his friend Cameron, whom, as I just found out is in Orange County this weekend as well for some medical tests as he's currently applying for the Police Academy down here - it's always good to have the police on your side, as it is also good to refrain from writing run-on sentences, so I think I'll stop and go to bed now, goodnight.
Posted by Chris Wright at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Glorious Distractions
When you're driving on the road, sometimes the dumbest stuff in the world can make you angry. Today I wast stuck in really heavy traffic - for what? Construction on an offramp. No closed lanes, not even an accident on the side of the road. A couple orange cones and it's like some idiots decided to slam on their brakes four miles up the road. Now we get to crawl at 5mph until all of a sudden we're back at 70. *sigh* People.
In other news, I ran into some lyrics the other day. I've heard it a million times, this time was different.
Hands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from you.
Lines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me through.
Dismantle me down. Repair.
You Dismantle me.
Posted by Chris Wright at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I'm a tactile guy. I can't think straight unless my hands are doing something like fumbling a pencil or rolling a quarter on my knuckles (or trying to, anyway - I'm getting there!) When I was a kid I was always tapping my fingers on my desk at school. I've been playing the piano for nigh fourteen years now. Last week I found a new distraction. Shuffling cards.
I was at my computer a week ago watching an episode of House when I saw them: Fifty-two slices of snap and shuffle just begging to be mixed up. From that moment on, while I sit at my desk, my fingers are either typing or shuffling. These poor cards are worn down pretty good now though, after a week's worth of handling. They're nice cards - I scored them at Harrah's in Tahoe a while back. They're those cards that were in actual play on the casino floor, repackaged, and sold in the giftshop. Now they're cracked and worn out from all the shuffling.
I've been doing some shuffling myself lately. Work in Modesto is great, but I really miss Los Angeles and all my friends at Biola. But ah, bills must be paid. Paycheks are nice. Speaking of checks - I'm finally getting my reimbursement check for the Michigan fiasco. It's in the mail! It's really nice having some green back in my wallet again. Two more months and I'll be back in my apartment in LA. For now, work!
I must admit, since I've been so busy with work, I haven't paid much attention to those wonderful monks that no one laughs at. I just might bring them back once I get a spare second to think of something funny. I'm sure you all can live without them for a few more days, at least. I know I can. :p
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some reading to do.
Posted by Chris Wright at 10:25 PM 0 comments