Saturday, March 24, 2007


This week, I had the chance to see the blockbuster movie, 300. For those of you who have been living in a cave or have been ignoring the ads on, 300 covers the Spartan battle of Thermopylae, where three hundred Spartans lose their lives in a battle for freedom from King Xerxes' oppressive Persian empire. Honestly, no other true story in history could inspire a greater movie for men to watch. This movie had more catchy one-liners than Steven Wright, enough blood to fill Al Gore's heated swimming pool(s) every day for a year, and just enough gratuitous nudity to earn itself it's rightful R rating.... *sigh*. I guess going to PG-13 movies for fun is so 20th century. The MPAA really doesn't care about violence anymore, sex raises the rating now.

Oh yes, the movie was very violent. Most epic movies are. But for that group of young folk whose parents locked them in their bedrooms on opening night, released this preview for the PG version of 300. Brilliant.