Saturday, March 17, 2007

One Rough Week

It's been a long week for me. Two 36-hour days have taken a toll on my mental and physical state. Since Saturday of last week, I have seen little rest, and free time has been nonexistent. My time has been plagued by post-production audio work in the studio working towards the nearing film deadline. Winston is finally complete. On top of the film deadlines, I've had the pleasure of dealing with one outrageous World Civilizations midterm, whose workload was so arduous that it took me and a friend of mine about fifteen hours to complete. We spent Sunday night / Monday morning in the lobby of the Disneyland Resort Hotel lobby sitting in comfortable chairs with our laptops and coffee.

Though I'm still very perturbed about the entire matter, I managed to get a B+ on it. If there's anything this professor is doing right in the class, she's getting our grades back to us quickly! A large amount of my being upset with her is that she does not know how to conduct a general-education class. This is a 100 course and she gives us a workload like we are taking the class as a major. I hear that in the 300 and 400 courses she teaches, she recommends to students that while enrolled in her class, to only take 12 units total in that semester. No one really knows how she gets away with it.

Besides my woes of World Civilizations and my daunting lack of sleep, this week has been just peachy. Another episode of LATE is in the can, and I'm practically a typing zombie at the moment. I feel so drawn out - weary to the point that every muscle aches and cries out with exhaustion. My arms are limp, I can't feel my feet, and I'm afraid I may be getting bronchitis because I can barely swallow.

Wow, this is really weird. All those symptoms of pain and exhaustion. One would think I had a girlfriend. ...or owned a Macintosh.