Saturday, May 5, 2007

Biola Film Festival '07

Tonight, having placed a monopoly on the nominations for "Best Sound Design" in the Biola Film Festival this year, I accepted the award for Winston. It was quite surreal being on stage speaking in front of hundreds of people again. Actually, I think this was the first time I was on stage - and not acting. Either way, I got one heck of a rush. I really miss being on stage.

The Festival went very well. Winston took "Best Sound Design, "Best Production Design," and "Best Thriller," while Dinner With Death took "Best Animation," and Teen Raptor took "Best Comedy." I'm proud to say that not a single LATE Production movie did not win an award in the festival this year. In fact, LATE Entertainment Group's name was on over a third of the awards given out tonight. Bradley Clarke has put in a ton of hard work and God knows he deserves the recognition for his dedication to great film.

My parents came down and stayed in town for two nights to check out how the LATE show is going on Thursday, and then the festival tonight. I guess it's safe to say that they're proud of me, since that's pretty much all I've heard from them since they've gotten here. Considering what I was going through a few months ago, I really appreciate the recognition I got tonight from my peers, my professors, and my parents alike. So thanks everyone. :)