Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What a wonderful feeling

I've decided that purposefully overpaying my credit card bill engenders quite possibly the greatest feeling I've had this summer. This afternoon, I opened my mailbox and found that dreaded envelope with the "Capitol One" logo on the front. Begrudgingly, I opened the statement to be reminded of last month's overpayment. Capitol One owes me sixty-eight cents! Joy!

In other news, I've been second-guessing myself lately concerning the film-trip to Michigan. All expenses paid for two weeks. Sounds like a dream. On the other hand, Josh, my fellow student-worker pal is also going to be taking those same two weeks off for different reasons. Robert, one of my supervisors, has jury duty on the 8th. Basically, the Helpdesk would only have two people to run it for the second week of August, with no student workers. I've been prodded by some graduated friends of mine. Every one of them is telling me to go for it - I'm never going to get a chance like this ever again. It only happens once that this sort of expense-free opportunity comes along. I'm going to Michigan.

Changing the subject - You've probably noticed the three comics I've posted in my blog. I haven't really talked about them, I'm just sort of throwing them out there. *shrug* I got bored, and stupid ol' msPaint is so... old, but fun. Hehe, that "BFF" picture of Matt on my Myspace was a result of being awake for far too long. I was really bored. I'm going to try and keep the dumb comics coming along though - even if some people either don't get it, or don't even think they're funny. I enjoy it. :)

Alright, it's time to wrap things up. Only 20 more minutes of work! Hehe. I'm shouting out to everyone subscribed to my blog. I've got around nineteen people subscribed right now (including my MySpace blog, since I mirror there), which is actually down two from last week (One is out looking for direction in the wrong place right now, and the other probably just got annoyed of seeing all these unfunny blog posts.) So to everyone subscribed, cheers. And if you're keeping a regular blog and I'm not already subscribed, let me know. I'm usually pretty good about keeping track of it on my own, but I'm also very careless at times. Hopefully I'll come up with another moderately funny comic by tomorrow night.

Until then, cheers.


Ems said...

You're comics are quite funny. I hope you'll post more. =)

I try to keep a regular blog...and I don't see my blog in that list of yours. *sniff*

2 all-expense paid weeks in Michigan?! And you're doubtful?! *shakes head*